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Unique Ways of Customer Retention

Every business needs new customers for business growth but the easiest source of new revenue is with you that mean customers who already know your company and they have already purchased a product from you that are existing customers.
B2B Customer Retention Strategies - A BizProspex Guide

Mere Customer acquisition is not enough customer retention is also important.Growing Companies have good customer retention as they retain their existing customers with good customer service and continue to sell.Post COVID companies are realizing the importance of retaining customers for sustaining and increasing their business. Customers with great purchasing experiences that is feel good factor are most likely to buy from the same company again. The businesses who focus on investing in customer retention, earn huge profit
Implementing an effective customer marketing strategy helps you to identify, track, and sell your product to more customers who generate long term revenue for the business.
This article will explain about unique customer retention strategies and why a SalesFundaa CRM system is the right fit for you.
Communicate customer expectations clearly
Different customers have distinct expectations. You need to communicate what you can do and what you cannot at the earliest. Some customers expect to receive special treatment for the expensive price they have paid for the purchase of the product.
Maintain Transparency
Transparency is the most important quality of a good customer retention strategy. If you give the customer with periodic reports regarding what the team’s new innovation in products and services, what opportunities lie ahead, the number of leads generated, expected ROI, etc., then customers will not say goodbye. 

Focus on positives
Generally,we remember bad things more than good because it ensures our survival. But this can destroy your customer retention strategy completely. To increase customer retention, it’s important to focus more on your successes than on failures. While dealing with your clients, do not communicate too much because if you miss a deadline or fail to deliver customer expectations, the customer will remember it for a lifetime.  People who have a bad experience will share it with their personal or professional network.This will hamper the goodwill of the company.

Take prompt action on customer feedback
You have a golden opportunity to improve your offering and customer satisfaction rates just by taking prompt action on the customer’s feedback like customer service, product quality, to improve business.
Understanding why your customers leave your company is imperative to frame a good customer retention strategy. For this, you should send customer feedback forms to your clients periodically. It will help you know what they think about your products, how you can improve your services, and also why they have decided not to buy from you. The earlier you recognize this, the better your customer retention strategy will be.
Better re-conversion rates
Existing customers have already purchased a product from you, so if they are happy with the product and customer service, they will buy from you again. You’ve already put efforts to build trust, and confidence in your product, and good customer relationship them, which makes it easier to identify their business need work for the achievement of the same.

Customer retention is an important management aspect of the business that will help you create loyal customers. They will prefer buying from you thus, ensuring a regular cash-flow and good word-of-mouth. This is where we can help. SalesFundaa Software we are home to a world-class CRM system that will allow you to frame excellent customer retention strategies to increase customer.

·         Target customers with special offers.

Your current existing customers are maybe in a position to buy your new offer, so make them feel valued by launching special offers for them without making a loss to yourself. Arrange online meetings with them and inform them about your new development and take prompt action on customer feedback.  

·         Reward your most profitable customers.

Everyone likes to be valued and recognized for their contributions; your customers areno exception for the same.Always remember to feature your customer who truly helped to grow your business on your website, social media, or in your next, highlight in-office board.Take valuable feedback from the customer and make improvement in that and invite them for special events.
·         Personalize your follow-ups
Personalize your follow-ups with customers by sending by greeting the customer, follow-up in two weeks, communicate well ask for a referral, value customer feedback; try for cross-selling of the product.

The secret to a successful business is to keep on trying and earn customers 


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