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Cloud solutions

Salesfundaa is a Cloud Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform, which supercharges any portion of your business, including marketing, sales, business, service and more, which interacts with clients.
A cloud-based solution refers to on-demand services, computer networks, storage, applications, or the resources that are accessed via the internet and shared cloud infrastructure of another provider. Increasing capability, scalability, functionality, and lower maintenance and costs to computer infrastructure and internal personnel all benefit from cloud-based solutions for end customers and businesses.  In addition, Cloud-based solutions can allow businesses to concentrate instead of time-consuming, non-core company duties on income-enabling projects.
Cloud-based solutions can be reached from anywhere, combined with the extensive use of smartphones and quicker mobile networks, enabling customers to access cloud-based solutions from all walks of the world and every time. As the pace of adoption of cloud-based solutions in small-to-medium-sized businesses continues to increase, SMBs are now inexpensive pricing points.

Our Expertise

We are committed to your business by taking full accountability throughout leading cloud platforms and techniques. With a higher level of safety and a single SLA up to the application level, we deliver a grander scale and agility.
Public, private, or hybrid – select the cloud platform for your business and give the remainder to us, your loyal Cloud Evolution provider.
Single SLA
Hybrid/Multi-Cloud Solutions
Dedicated COE for Azure, AWS
Flexibility and choice

Providing 1000 + businesses with cloud solutions

Public Cloud
•    Data Availability and Continuous Uptime
•    On-demand Scalability
•    Low Setup & Operational Cost

Private Cloud
·         Enhanced data security and monitoring
·         Increased flexibility for a single organization
Hybrid Cloud
•    Cost and Scale Public Cloud benefits
•    Private cloud security and control
•    Supplies Support for Cloud-Bursting

Find a cloud-based CRM that you want

You've got strong reasons why cloud-based CRM is your business's correct decision.
If you are searching for a CRM tool to assist you:
•    Centralize your database,
•    Have a full perspective of your customer interactions,
•    Have immediate access to your sales possibilities in real-time,
•    Automate your procedures for task leadership such as lead monitoring, sales deals on time and improved delivery,
•    And thus, improve retention rates for your client.

The most rapid way to reach these targets is then cloud-based CRM since it is:

•    User-friendly,
•    Accessible easily,
•    At low upfront expenses, affordable,
•    Does not need any buying hardware or maintenance software,
•    Multiple devices are supported,
•    Compatible with third-party products,
•    Guarantees high security of data
•    Suitable for your evolving needs and requirements.


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